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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My wand

I took two pictures of my Harry Potter wand isn't it awesome of course it awesome. 

I'm watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone right now

Friday, June 7, 2013

New Rules

This is my new blog version of Family of Wil Justice now I go by my grandfather's name Eligio Pena all right so I am going to have a Spanish Version, too.

I have new rules. The rules are:

1, Only family members can view this blog. So no strangers will track down Ye-Ye.
2. I will use the Gmail Offline app on the Chromebook for reply's.
3. You can view it on your kindle's, phones, iPhones, and iPods.
4. I can use google translate for Familia de Wil Justica(Spanish FOWJ).
5. I'll blog when I feel like it.

Thank You!

Wil Justice Carradero